
Tuesday, 27 August 2019
Pompeii (2014)
Pompeii is a 2014 film directed by Paul W. S. Anderson. It stars Kit Harrington, Emily Browning, Kiefer Sutherland, Carrie-Anne Moss and Jared Harris.
Supposedly a romantic historic costume drama, this film was as much historically inaccurate as can be. After visiting Pompeii ruins, and studying ancient Rome, I found too many mistakes to count in the 2014 film Pompeii as it was just all wrong. The story is a rehash of what's been told many times in Hollywood films before. There is an underline theme of formula of a child who watches his entire people and family slaughtered, then he's captured and forced to fight, (very familiar Conan the Barbarian movie pattern here) and sent to Pompeii as a slave to fight in the arena. There is this Good versus Evil again. The Romans are portrayed as extremely nasty and looking more like Darth Vader types than Romans. The hero of the film falls in love with a pretty daughter of a rich family, and she's also of a feminist 21st Century attitude and even tries to overpower a man in armour.
While I'm being very negative about this, I was impressed by the performance of Sasha Roiz as Marcus Proculus and he came across as a very Roman soldier. I also liked Jessica Lucus playing Ariadne but her character was wasted when she should've been in this more.
The focus was heavy on special effects, chasing, tsunami and flying firebombs.
I rate this film actually a 2/10.
Question: What happened to all the people and dead bodies when Milos the Celt was chased in the streets by Quintus Attius Corvus in his chariot?
Howls ^^
Sunday, 25 August 2019
Chinnamasta is a Hindu goddess, who represents both death and life. She's one of the ten Mahavidya goddesses, who are aspects of the Great Goddess, or Supreme Being goddess, or the Adi Parashakti. The ten goddesses are Kali, Tara, Tripura Sundari, Bhuvaneshvari, Bhairavi, Chinnamasta, Dhumavati, Bagalamukhi, Matangi and Lakshmi.
Now Chinnamasta is the most strange looking of the goddesses, as she is depicted as red as an hibiscus flower and she has four arms. Shes headless and carries her decapitated head, with fountains of blood gushing from the stump, and female beings drinking that blood. She is said to be a goddess of contradictions, a life giver and a killer, self sacrifice, food giver and of sexuality. She's one of the deities considered important in Tantra.
She cut off her own head to please Jaya and Vijaya, the gate keepers of Vishnu. Chinnamasta carries her own decapitated head, which itself has three bright fiery eyes. She wears skulls like jewellery and rides a vicious lion.
There are many different versions of Chinnamasta. Some say she was part of a triad with Kali and Tara. In a different story, she was bathing and became aroused, then turned black. Her female attendants, or gate keepers, Jaya and Vijaya, were very hungry. Out of pity for them, she allowed them to drink her blood when she chopped her head off.
More about goddess Chinnamasta
Howls ^^
Thursday, 22 August 2019
Is Norse and Celtic pagan art creepy?
Yes. But also NO.
There are many different types of paganism and I follow the Heathen path or it's called Asatru. Art based on the Norse and Germanic heathen gods and goddesses, is gloomy, to reflect the myths. This is because of the dark landscape with severe Winters, dreary weather, little sunlight, and it's always colder in the north. Therefore art which is featuring the stories from the Eddas and other Germanic legends, even Celtic myths, will always look darker. This doesn't mean there isn't colour to the masterpieces. Some paintings bring vivid dreamy pictures of the myths and legends.
As for "creepiness" well yes because it isn't meant to be nice and fluffy.
Howls ^^
Sunday, 18 August 2019
Sinister game The Purple Dino
A simple puzzle game? Think again. No doubt, there is a disturbing backstory to this one game called The Purple Dino. It's an escape game by Games 4 King. Often their games are straightforward. This one is more than that, and you find yourself wondering why you have to help this monster eat innocent people.
The description at the beginning of the game says: "There was a huge fort in the middle of the forest. The fort was very intimidating to see. There was a purple dinosaur to protect that fort." We see instantly that there is a dinosaur trapped inside a cage. And the rest?
To the right is a courtyard with a tower fort, and stone lions guarding a secret place. To the left is a poverty stricken area full of bugs. After opening secret places, we come to a room in a house that looks suspiciously like a child's prison. The next room belongs to a sorcerer.
We discover a cell room with a small child chained up beside a pit, which must be where the dinosaur comes out for a feed. Fortunately, the dinosaur was captured but you can't even rescue this child as that isn't part of the game.
The theme of The Purple Dinosaur is very dark and shows that its intention to use human sacrifices to a dinosaur that guards a secret fort. Since another hero caged the dinosaur and has been killed (clues ascertain this idea), the evil sorcerer in charge of the town wants you to rescue the dinosaur.
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Child chained up |
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Pyramid in sorcerers' room |
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stone lions near secret place |
Howls ^^
Friday, 16 August 2019
Invitation to Hell
Invitation to Hell is a 1984 horror made for TV. Directed by Wes Craven and stars Robert Urich, Susan Lucci, Joanna Cassidy and Joe Regalbuto. The full cast will be added in a link below.
We first get a glimpse of the sinister woman in red, Jessica Jones, when she kills a man using strange magical fire power. The Winslow family have just arrived into the close knit community but it isn't long until everyone insists that they must join the Steaming Springs country club, owned by Jessica. When Matt Winslow starts his new job in the office, he finds that the secretary is trying to tell him something. There is a state-of-the-art fireproof suit with a helmet that reads whatever is in front. Things get dark and creepy when Matt's family have joined the Club. Whats more is that the secretary got replaced and other things don't make sense. A well made creepy film and probably one of Wes Craven's best films. I rate this a 7/10.
Pondering: What happened to the dog?
Cast of Invitation to Hell on IMDB
Howls ^^
Thursday, 15 August 2019
Real monsters: Titanis
A real life monster that existed was the titanis, a flightless carnivorous bird that lived during the Pliocene and Pleistocene epoch. It stood over 8 ft tall and weighed about 150 kg. Fossils scattered over the Americas. It belonged to the well known "Terror Birds" of prehistoric times. It's prey would've been a lot of animals from those small as mice to large as cows. They hunted a variety of animals including snakes and they were ferocious birds. The top predator of the age. Their massive powerful beaks lifted their prey and smashed them against rocks. These awful birds ran very fast and not only were their beaks bone crushing but their feet were also weapons. It's believed from studying their fossils of Terror Birds such as the titanis could hear sounds at low frequency. Terror birds made hideous and frightening sounds that were so loud at low frequency to frighten other animals. These birds were infamous but they lived for several million years until they died out during the Quaternary extinction event.
Howls ^^
Tuesday, 13 August 2019
The Wishing Forest
This is a 2018 fantasy film called The Wishing Forest and is also titled Quest for the Unicorn. Directed by Jedzia Perez and Leia Perez. It stars Karin Brauns, Robert Amstler, Stormi Maya and Samuel Story. Brigid is seeking a legendary unicorn after losing both her husband and child. She ends up in a dark forest full of cannibals where an even more dangerous goddess hunts humans. On Brigid's journey, she rescues a thief and a warrior from possible death. The forest goes deeper. Will she ever find what she's looking for? The film contains stunning footage of the landscape with gorgeous forest, waterfall and mountains. It adds to the visual magic in the background.
I give it a 7/10
Biggest spoiler: One jump scare.
Howls ^^
Monday, 12 August 2019
Caligula film
Caligula is a 1979 film based on the historical character of a Roman Emperor named Gaius Julius Ceasar Augustus Germanicus. His nickname was "Caligula". The film was directed by Tinto Brass and stars Malcom McDowell, Helen Mirren, Peter O' Toole and John Steiner.
It shows the lurid cesspool of Tiberius and his sex slaves, who puts forward his biological grandson Gemellus, a vulnerable youngster, to be the heir and next emperor, above the older son (who was adopted) that is Caligula. Tiberius doesn't like Caligula and attempts to poison him but fails miserably and becomes ill. Caligula's loyal (Praetorian) house guard, named Macro, kills Tiberius for Caligula. Once Caligula is then crowned as the emperor of Rome, he plots with his sister and lover Drusilla to get rid of Macro, in case he spills the beans (or blood). There is plenty of blood throughout this graphic flick. The ever devoted and handsome guard Macro was arrested for treason and executed, while his widow is banished to Gaul after being conned by Caligula.
Without going into too much of the plot, I should mention that it's an adult film with sex and violence. It's historically inaccurate, and purposefully distasteful, gruesome and bloody but the acting was great. I rate this a 6/10.
Favourite part: Don't ask.
Howls ^^
Saturday, 10 August 2019
White Magic
White magic is the kind to help others. A modern term for practices that are medicinal, relating to herb lore and plants, healing, crystals, kitchen witchery and well being.
There is a book called "A History of White Magic" by author Gareth Knight.
Also on the subject it might be worth reading up on the scholar and priest Marsillo Ficino who wrote about natural magic. He was not liked at all by the church.
Marsillo Finico
White Magic in Elizabethan England
Wishbonix site on White Magic
Howls ^^
Thursday, 8 August 2019
The Furies
The Furies are goddesses of the Underworld in Greek mythology. Their father was Uranus and their mother Gaia, but they were conceived from blood. There are many different versions of how these sisters were created. Also called the Erinyes, the dark natured sisters were called Alecto, Megaera and Tisiphone. Their very names have sinister meanings too. Alecto is "unceasing anger". Megaera is "jealousy" and Tisiphone means "vengeful destruction". It's said they were pretty maidens although different versions about their features are often not the same. They are also said to have bat wings, bleeding eyes and wearing snakes. The Furies lived in the realm of Tartarus so they could punish the souls of evil people. They could inflict insanity on criminals using their singing voices to cause paralysis. They were worshipped in Athens, where people called the Furies "the kindly ones" or Eumenides. This was because the goddess Athena tamed them by giving them new status as protectors of the city of Athens.
Howls ^^
Wednesday, 7 August 2019
Countess Dracula
Countess Dracula is a British horror made in 1971 by Hammer Film Productions. It was directed by Peter Sasdy and stars Ingrid Pitt, Nigel Green, Leslie Ann Down and Sandor Eles.
The film is set in the 17th Century in Hungary, and the local villagers are concerned that young women are disappearing. In the nearby castle lives Countess Elizabeth Nadasdy who is recently widowed, but is fixated with a young guard named Lt. Imre Toth. She baths in the blood of young virgin women so that her youth is restored, and pretends to be her missing daughter Llona so that she can court Toth, and he's none the wiser.
Whenever her true physical self returns, she looks older each time. That means more blood and more deaths. The countess just doesn't care.
The film is based on the infamous Countess Bathory.
I rate this one a 7/10.
Gripe - There can't be anyone in this film more foolish than Toth.
Howls ^^
Tuesday, 6 August 2019
Which horror character has scared you the most?
I answer: The Xenomorph creature from Alien films starring Sigourney Weaver. It terrifies me even now and I haven’t watched them for so long. Parasitic alien species are very disgusting and horrible, like a disease.
The Alien Xenomorph
The various creatures of the type List of Alien morphs in the Alien franchise
Howls ^^
I answer: The Xenomorph creature from Alien films starring Sigourney Weaver. It terrifies me even now and I haven’t watched them for so long. Parasitic alien species are very disgusting and horrible, like a disease.
The Alien Xenomorph
The various creatures of the type List of Alien morphs in the Alien franchise
Howls ^^
Witchboard (1986)
"Witchboard" is a 1986 horror, starring Todd Allan, Tawny Kitaen and Stephen Nichols. It was directed and written by Kevin Tenney and is a Paragon Arts.The movie is a supernatural theme, about a sinister entity and doesn't have much gore. It relies on jump scares and mystery. A party ends up focused on a ouija board and all seems harmless at the beginning.
I rated this a 6/10 for popcorn and dark night entertainment.
Most creepiest bits: the dreams.
Howls ^^
Monday, 5 August 2019
Ghost Story and Circle of Fear
This was a TV series from 1972 to 1973. Ghost Story was produced by William Castle, and each episode was a different tale of the paranormal.
Each episode was hosted by Winston Essex, played by Sabastian Cabot, who introduced each story to the viewers from a gorgeous hotel. At the end of each episode Winston appears again to show clips of the next episode. The episodes were often well acted, spooky and of high quality, with strange chilling stories. One of my favourite episodes is Cry of the Cat as its about shape shifting.
The series didn't finish but it completely changed the following season. It renamed itself Circle of Fear and the gentleman Winston isn't in it. The stories that were in Ghost Story are not quite the same in Circle of Fear. The Circle stories are more over the top bizarre like the one called "Earth, Air, Fire and Water" episode.
If you watch it I'm so sure you'll be entertained.
Howls ^^
Wolf Girl Night
Links to my past reviews
Here they all are: Watcher reviews
Those are some of my reviews that I posted for She Wolf Night blog. I will also make new ones here.
Those are some of my reviews that I posted for She Wolf Night blog. I will also make new ones here.
Sunday, 4 August 2019
Welcome to my new blog.
This is going to be about Horror, fantasy and sci-fi reviews. I will mention films and sometimes literature. I will also talk about crime stories and true horror stories to do with the paranormal. Cryptids and ghosts.
The first ever post is just a greeting.
Have a good night.
Howls ^^
Welcome to my new blog.
This is going to be about Horror, fantasy and sci-fi reviews. I will mention films and sometimes literature. I will also talk about crime stories and true horror stories to do with the paranormal. Cryptids and ghosts.
The first ever post is just a greeting.
Have a good night.
Howls ^^
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