"Santet" is a 2018 Indonesian horror directed by Helfi C.H. Kardit, and among the cast is Kelly Brook, Marcellino Lafrand and Ayu Dyah Pasha. The film also goes by the name "Black Magic."
A man takes his family to Indonesia to visit his poorly mother. His own father committed suicide in the house a while ago, and now his mother is acting strange. The house is full of shadows, and makes his wife and kids uncomfortable. They start seeing things that are not there. Things go wrong and nothing is the same for the family. A brutal and mysterious horror with some mystery. This is full of jump scares and goo. Plenty of atmosphere with thunder and lightning.
Warning - Don't wear headphones.
Scary climax - Ghost!
Fun facts - This film was jointly made among three different countries, with Skylar Pictures of Indonesia, GMA Films of the Philippines, and The Annex Entertainment of Canada.
My rating - 7/10
Blood Strawberry