This is a 1954 British science fiction, directed by Burt Balaban. The stars includes Patricia Neal, Helmut Dantine and Derek Bond.
A UFO is seen when a woman suffers a road accident. She disappeared, only to return home later fully recovered and healthy. People with ailments, wounds and illnesses are healed by a man who doesn't have a name but says he comes from planet Venus. All is very difficult to accept, even when he told everyone to cease using dangerous nuclear weapons.
The story is easy to follow but the layout itself, from the props to the police uniforms, are a mish mash. Some believe the film is set in a fictional country. According to the film, Venus is "millions of light years from Earth" but in actual fact, Venus is just 162 million miles, which is shorter than a single light year. So Venus is only 3 light minutes away from Earth.
The film is rather slow and dry, with a drop of lemon! It's 3/10 for ratings from me and I give this a yellow strawberry.
Blood Strawberry