"Moondial" is a 1988 paranormal tv drama, originally released as mini series. It was directed by Colin Cant and stars Siri Neal, Arthur Hewlett and Jacqueline Pearce.
The heroine of this is a teenaged girl named Minty, who stays with her godmother for a short while and she explores the village, only to find a mysterious sundial. It transports her through time and she encounters a boy who seems able to see her although no one else from his time can. There are ghost children in the old house, who might be in danger from a dark entity.
This was made for children although it was creepy and touches on the occult. Revisiting my childhood watching this again. Today's youth may find it old fashioned. Filmed at Belton House in Lincolnshire. This was based on the novel "Moondial" by Helen Cresswell. It was rereleased as a film for DVD in 2015. I give this nice gothic story a 6/10. The sundial itself is real and not a studio prop, it belongs to the manor house and all of it is protected as a listed building.
Blood Strawberry