"The Blancheville Monster" is a 1963 black and white mystery horror. Directed by Alberto De Martino and stars include, Gerard Tichy, Leo Anchoriz and Ombretta Colli.
The film begins on a dark stormy night with the scene of a looming castle on a hill. The daughter of a deceased count returns home after being far away from home, bringing with her two friends, a brother and sister. She learns that the castle is under a strange curse, and that she's selected as a sacrificial victim. Meanwhile there's unusual screams heard throughout the castle and a secret behind a tower door.
This was filmed in very cold conditions and the breathe from the actors are visible. This was once said to be a film "of no importance" by the actual director, Alberto De Martino, even though his own father made the mask used as a prop. The same director made other films I've watched before including "Minotaur, the Wild Beast of Crete," "The Triumph of Hercules" and "The Spy with Ten Faces" all of which I shall review on this blog soon.
I rate this Italian gothic screamer 7/10
Blood Strawberry