This is a 1960 British supernatural thriller, directed by Montgomery Tully. The stars includes Tony Wright, Patricia Dainton and Sandra Dorne.
A woman named Jean Linton finds an unexpected gift from her deceased aunt, which is a house and some inheritance money. She's more than happy to live there but her lazy greedy husband has other ideas. The house itself is large and mostly run down and the lift doesn't work. It's haunted by a ghost of a certain former owner named Patrick, who makes spooky noises. While Jean is eager to remain, her life may be in danger.
I found this a very enjoyable and entertaining film. The story was satisfying and also it didn't need too many characters as it felt amazing. Some films don't always need too many people. This film is based on the 1899 novel of the same name by Lawrence Maynell. I rate this a good atmospheric 7/10.
Blood Strawberry