

Sunday, 19 September 2021

Warlord of Crete (1960)


The 1960 Italian fantasy film "Warlord of Crete" is also named "Minotaur the Wild Beast of Crete." Directed by Silvio Amadio, and stars include Bob Mathias, Alberto Lupo and Rosanna Schiaffino. 

Based on the story of hero Theseus and the Minotaur. Young virgin women are sacrificed to the Minotaur who lives in a labyrinth in the palace of King Minos. It's revealed that there was a secret daughter of Minos, named Ariadne, who was given up by her mother to save her life. Years later, Ariadne is an adult but her home is raided and her foster parents murdered, She's rescued by the hero Theseus. Meanwhile, her sister, princess Phaedra feels threatened by the existence of her sister Ariadne and plots to kill her. 

Overall the film is visually stunning and the costumes are pretty awesome, especially the beautiful Minoan style dresses. Much effort pays off to a gorgeous film. 

Fun facts: Bob Mathias who played Theseus is an Olympian gold medallist. Actress Rosanna Schiaffino plays both characters Phaedra and Ariadne. The Minotaur is played by Milo Malagoli a heavyweight boxer.

Warning: Don't get a heart attack seeing the Minotaur!

Rating: A nice 5/10.

Review by Blood Strawberry! Howls ^^


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