This 1977 horror is an anthology of stories. "Dead of Night" was directed by Dan Curtis and the cast includes Patrick Macnee, Ed Begley Junior and Ann Doran.
There are three stories: "Second Chance," "No Such Thing as a Vampire" and "Bobby". While each story is different, there isn't a lack of good spooky atmosphere. The first story is about an old fashioned broken car that seems a bit haunted. The second story is set in the Victorian era and about vampires. The third story is about a grieving mother who uses black magic to get her son back. Typical of 70s horror, it overdoes the screaming and has multilayers of shock.
Fun facts - One of the three stories was featured in "Trilogy of Terror" in 1996. The film "Dead of Night" is a TV movie, and connected to a 1969 horror film called "Darkness at Blaisedon", which was a pilot for a "Dead of Night" TV series that never happened. However, the DVD of "Dead of Night" released by Dark Sky Films includes "Darkness at Blaisedon."
My rating is 6/10.
(The blog's "warning" and "scary climax" won't be mentioned anymore as I don't want to give away too much and spoil things).
Blood Strawberry
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