This is a fantasy TV series made from 2008 to 2010. It was created by Sam Raimi, distributed by Disney - ABC Domestic Television. The stars include Craig Horner, Bridget Regan, Bruce Spence and Tabrett Bethall. It's based on "The Sword of Truth" book series by Terry Goodkind. There are two seasons and I binged watched it for just over a month.
The world is divided into three sections, the Westland, Midlands and D'hara. The three worlds are all different, and coming from the Westland (a normal place) is a young man called Richard Cypher who learns things are not what they seem, and a kind wizard helps him on a quest. They encounter many dangers and this includes monsters such as dragons, blood flies and more that will appear. They come across evil foe and make friends. The series has everything a fan of both fantasy and horror will want. There are nightmares and some magical, funny, romantic and very dark moments. All in all a fantastic series.
My rating is a 10/10.
Blood Strawberry
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