A 1953 science fiction horror, directed by Felix X. Feist. The stars include Nancy Raegan, Lew Ayres and Gene Evans. Two scientists have some ambitious ideas, and remove the brain of a dead wealthy banker, with the purpose of trying to study why the brain is active after the man's body had died. They kept the brain in a tank, although it becomes aware of everything and uses telepathy to control people. Next the brain wants to control the world!
The film is based on a book of the same title "Donovon's Brain" by Curt Siodmak who also wrote other novels including "Skyport" and "The Third Ear". Orson Wells Played one of the scientists on the radio drama of the story "Donovon's Brain" in 1944. The actress Nancy Raegan became First Lady of the United States in 1981.
I rate this clever intense film a 8/10
Blood Strawberry
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