"The House of Mystery" is a 1934 horror/thriller directed by William Nigh, and the stars include Verna Hillie, Ed Lowry, John Sheeham and Irving Bacon.
There is an ancient curse unleashed in India when a rich looter named Mr Prendergast kills a monkey, which is a sacred animal to a temple. His love interest is a stunning priestess, and they both return to the US to marry but the curse follows him with a stolen relic. Guests are invited to stay at a spooky old mansion for a large sum of money. Things go wrong after one of the guests performs a seance and inviting the supernatural. There is murder, strange noises and a gorilla.
The original title was "The Ape and the Curse of Kali" and adapted from the play The Ape by Adam Hull Shirk. I rate this dreadful but cool film a 6/10.
Blood Strawberry
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