This 1959 horror/sci-fi B movie, directed by Roger Corman, with the cast including Susan Cabot, Fred Eisley and Michael Mark. A mad scientist is eager to find out the effects of royal jelly from the wasp queen, and experiments on various animals in a lab. His research has given him work at a beauty products factory owned by the vain Janice Starlin, who wants to make herself look younger. She volunteers to become the first human experiment, with the concern of her friends and colleagues. However, one of the animals turns monstrous.
This is quite a good film, it's an over-the-top silly story but is entertaining for a popcorn night in viewing. There's a little gore, some shocks and incredible daft make-up. Originally this film was called "Insect Woman". There's been remakes of this, such as "The Wasp Woman" made in 1995 as part of the Roger Corman Presents series. In 1988 the film "Rejuvinatrix" is inspired by "The Wasp Woman."
I rate this a buzzing 5/10
Blood Strawberry
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