Lady Frankenstein is a 1971 Italian horror film directed by Mel Welles and Aurelliano Luppi. The stars includes Joseph Cotton, Rosalba Neri and Paul Muller.
Baron Frankenstein has been making deals with grave robbers, to send him fresh corpses of executed criminals. The experiments failed but one successful monster was resurrected from death, only to be horribly mutilated during the surgery and storm. It's only instinct is to kill everyone. Meanwhile, Frankenstein's daughter, Tania, has completed her studies and become a doctor, who feels willing to help her father's gruesome secret work!
An extremely nightmarish story with plenty of atmosphere and tension. There are some hilarious conversations with the grave robbers. It features violence and some nudity, while the gory scenes appeared mostly indoors. The story is loosely based on the original classic Frankenstein's Monster, although this film has included some romance. "Only the monster she made could satisfy her strange desires!" One of the early movie posters features Dr Tania Frankenstein as blonde even though she's really a brunette.
I rate this gothic monster horror a shocking 8/10.
Blood Strawberry
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