This is a 1957 monster film directed by Nathan Duran, and the stars include William Hopper, Joan Taylor and Thomas Brown Henry.
A space rocket crack lands into the sea, and fishermen are able to rescue two survivors. One of them recovers and admits that they returned from visiting Venus and brought back a living organism in a metal tube, but this was stolen by a kid. Once the alien creature got into the ownership of a local scientist, it's taken to a nearby zoo. Only then the creature grows rapidly and causes chaos.
The stop motion special effects were made by the legendary Ray Harryhausen. The film was going to be based in Chicago but they decided to set it in Italy because Ray Harryhausen had always wanted to visit there. The dinosaur-like creature from Venus is named Ymir, but not in the movie itself. It's name derives from the name of a god in Norse mythology. Despite his ferocious look, Ymir isn't a carnivore but eats sulphur and he attacks only when provoked, otherwise he seems timid. I rate this cool package 7/10.
Blood Strawberry
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