This is a low budget British horror film made in 2015, directed by John Mackie. The acting cast includes Dexter Fletcher, Magda Rodriguez and Tony 0'Callaghan.
A group of five teenaged girls decide to look for a coven in the middle of the wood, which is a private area surrounded by an iron fence. They all go prepared for a fun night there camping, while noticing strange writing. Meanwhile, a tutor has been informing the class about witchcraft and missing people in the exact same woods. A girl from the same class, just not a part of their friendship circle, is reading on eerie rhymes. As night draws on, things become creepier in those woods.
There isn't any gore but it's psychological, with a lot of references to folklore and even demons. There is a strange feel that is similar to Blair Witch Project although much more characters and a rounded story that explains what happened to them. Despite the amount of negative feedback from other places, I found this pretty good. It was filmed in Queens Wood, located in Highgate, where there truly is a meeting place for pagans. I rate this a half moon 5/10.
Blood Strawberry
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