The Thirsty Dead is a 1974 horror/adventure fantasy film, directed by Terry Becker. The stars includes John Considine, Jennifer Billingsley and Tani Guthrie.
Beautiful young women are kidnapped from the streets of Manila, then escorted to a secret location in the middle of a jungle. There are caves within a mountain that seems like a paradise, until it's learned that the strange rulers there are immortals who need fresh blood from the women.
This was released on VHS with the title "Blood Hunt" and an alternative scene, which is the escape cut out by 25 seconds. The cult worships a severed head and drinks blood taken from prisoners, who are all women. The director is also this film's writer. He was involved in directing other projects including MASH and The Brady Bunch. Not really a horror film but certainly fun.
I rate this jungle loon 6/10.
Blood Strawberry