"The Werewolf Reunion" is a British supernatural film made in 1977. It was directed by Simon Langton, with the cast that includes Billie Whitelaw, Ian Hendry and Charles Kay.
The strange circumstances of a count's death and his widow, countess Ilona, invites a number of selected guests at a dinner. There's rumours of a werewolf and the castle is very isolated, dark and gloomy. The countess picked her former lovers to the meeting, and they all wonder if she was involved in the death of her husband. Meanwhile, a boy upstairs that likes eating candied fruit is watched by his witch nurse and something else is lurking outside.
The film is also called Countess Ilona, and it's narrated by a mysterious character who you get to discover later on. There are plenty of interesting pieces of info, clues and always a sense of fear. Besides the fact the servants of the castle are loyal to the countess, the four invited guests are not so keen. Some of the dialogue is long winded, although this makes a worthwhile gothic drama. The film has been divided into a series of two episodes. I rate this an overcast 6/10.
Blood Strawberry
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