This is a horror anthology TV series from the 1970's, originally named "Ghost Story" and later it changed the title to "Circle of Fear". Each episode has a different tale of the spooky kind, and sometimes nightmarish. It was hosted by a fictional gentleman character named Winston Essex, owner of a haunted hotel, who introduced the stories. The next episode is "At the Cradle Foot", directed by Don McDougall and stars Sabastian Cabot, James Franciscus and Elizabeth Ashley.
A man suffers horrible dreams of a young woman on a carousel being murdered. After finding out that the carousel is real, he learns that the bracelet worn by the woman in the dream is the same one worn by his daughter, who is only a child. He keeps finding disturbing visions of the event that will happen in the future when his daughter will grow up, but can he prevent it from happening?
There are mysteries and puzzles, and a clear message from the spirit of the daughter coming from the future to plead to her parents. While there is a slight paradox going on, it also seems to suggest the parents have psychic abilities of premonition. The events build up and seems to imply the father interfering with natural events to stop a terrible future murder only is being created by him. Some elements were not making sense but it's a pretty looking episode.
I rate this story a milky pink strawberry for having a dream related subject.
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