Circle of Fear is a 1973 paranormal TV series, the second season of Ghost Story. The next episode is "Doorway to Death" directed by Daryl Duke and stars Barry Nelson, Susan Dey and Henry Jones.
A single father moves into a new apartment with his three kids, and all seems very normal at first. Then one of the kids sees a man in the upstairs window of the top flat, and goes to have a look. The top flat is empty, and yet the two younger children have visited their "neighbour" every day, and weird noises are going on. The eldest child is a teenager who has never seen the upstairs neighbour although weird sounds keeps them up each night.
Susan Dey is also the real life sister of Leif Garrett, who plays her brother. The story is about an unpleasant ghost of a murderer, who pretends to be a kind friendly neighbour. although there's nothing nice about him, He spends all of his time in a snowy land beyond the apartment carrying an axe, while there is a rotting corpse walled up in one of the rooms. His demands to meet the kid's older sister was full of red flags but the characters are way too curious.
I rate this a cold wet blue strawberry.
Blood Strawberry
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