Circle of Fear is a 1973 paranormal TV series, the second season of Ghost Story. The next episode is "Spare Parts" directed by Charles S. Dubin and stars Susan Oliver, Christopher Connelly and Don Knight.
After the death of a doctor, his widow is invited to hospital by his colleague, where she learns that three patients are undergoing donated transplants. This was her husband's medicine, so things take a weird turn when the ghost of her husband haunts the patients.
Susan Oliver plays the tormented widow and she's played an Orion slave girl named Zita in "The Menagerie" episode of Star Trek series. The writer of this episode is Seeleg Lester, who also worked on "The Outer Limits" and "The Invisible Man". The director Charles S. Dubin has worked on "Starman", "Kung Fu" and "Tarzan".
I give this a ghostly strawberry
Blood Strawberry
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