This is a horror anthology TV series from the 1970's, originally named "Ghost Story" and later it changed the title to "Circle of Fear". Each episode has a different tale of the spooky kind, and sometimes nightmarish. It was hosted by a fictional gentleman character named Winston Essex, owner of a haunted hotel, who introduced the stories. The next episode is "Creatures of the Canyon", directed by Walter Doniger, and stars Sabastian Cabot, Angie Dickinson and John Ireland.
There is a strange dog that appears everywhere to a woman, that doesn't behave normal. The dog was once owned by her late husband until it began displaying weird traits and aggressive behaviour. Then the dog was given to a creepy neighbour. Now this dog is harassing the widow and her own gentle dog every night but there's something supernatural going on.
Back in the 1970's it was considered fashionable to portray doberman pinscher dogs as hellhounds and they appeared in a lot of horror films. After this annoyingly scary dog was poisoned, there's still a dog harassing her. It makes for a lukewarm ghost story and doesn't explain much. I rate this a tepid and bruised purple strawberry.
Blood Strawberry
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