This is a 2019 thriller called "Door in the Woods." It was directed by Billy Chase Goforth, the cast includes David Rees Snell, Jennifer Pierce Mathus and CJ Jones.
A family move to a quiet rural town so that their son could attend a specialised school that suits his needs, although he experienced bullying. Meanwhile they all go out for a stroll in the local woods and discover a strange door stood alone covered in a chain. Thinking it just an antique left there, the family decide to take the door home. Soon afterwards, weird spooky things happen in the home.
This is a production by Rockhill Studios and Picture Movers Anonymous. Also called "Paranormal Orman." This film is a B movie although very well made, with a magical feel and interesting plot. It doesn't have any special effects or any gruesome scenes, but this doesn't need it, as it's an atmospheric supernatural film with tension. Many have picked on this film for not being filled with CGI or make-up but this isn't that type of film. I was impressed and give this a good 9/10.
Blood Strawberry
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