This is a 1962 horror thriller, directed by Riccardo Freda. The stars includes Barbara Steele, Robert Flemyng and Silvano Tranquilli.
Set in the year 1885 with the advancement of medicines, Doctor Hichcock is drawn to giving strange experimental drugs on his patients. He's also into something sinister at home in private, resulting in the death of his wife. Twelve years later, after marrying again, his new wife becomes afraid of ghostly activities in the spooky house of the doctor.
A mad doctor film made in Rome, Italy, which was later dubbed in English by some of the actors themselves. Robert Flemyng almost didn't want to appear in this because of the subject of necrophilia. The setting for the film, in the spooky doctor's house, is Villa Peruchetti, the place that also featured in another film "The Hyena of London" of which I shall review in the future. This was a gothic film with beautiful sets and lovely costumes. I rate it a horribly pleasing 7/10.
Blood Strawberry
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