A black-and-white horror film by Hammer called "Nightmare" is not well known but a real gem. It was directed by Freddie Francis and the stars include David Knight, Moira Redmond and Jennie Linden.
A teenage girl named Janet is always having nightmares about her traumatic past. When she was a younger child, she discovered that her own mother brutally murdered her father. Fearing that she may become just like her mother, she constantly dreams of finding herself locked away. The school sends her home to get looked after, although it isn't safe there. She has visions, and becomes afraid of a creepy woman in the house but everyone thinks she's imagining it.
Rating: A cool 7/10
Fun facts: The film "Nightmare" also goes by the name of "Here's the Knife, Dear: Now Use It." On the cast itself, Julie Christie was originally offered to play Janet who turned it down, and Jennie Linden was given the role on the 11th hour of casting.
Info: Janet's doll is constantly grinning and looks uncanny. The location of this was made in Wargrave, Berkshire, England.
Warning: Get your earplugs as there is a lot of screaming.
Howls ^^
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