"Equinox" is a 1970 fantasy/horror film made for television. It was group directed by Jack Woods, Dennis Muren and Mark Thomas McGee. The stars include Edward Connell and Barbara Hewitt.
A young man suffering a mental breakdown is kept in hospital for treatment. It's discovered that a while ago, he and some friends went on a picnic but then discovered a mysterious castle and a magical book. What followed afterwards were nightmarish fiends chasing the friends all through a weird landscape of forests, invisible walls and monsters. His far fetched story wasn't believed although he was traumatised for losing a cross.
This was a student film project made over two years. One of the locations was at Bronson Canyon and another was in someone's own property! Parts of the film were real clips of actual forest fires. The film is loosely based on fiction by H.P. Lovecraft. The original title is "Equinox: A Journey Into the Supernatural" and there's an alternative version with different music score and credits.
A weird adventure story with creepy monsters. I rate this patchwork a nice 4/10.
Blood Strawberry
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