"The Munsters" original TV series from 1946 - 1966, created by Allan Burns and Chris Hayward but developed by Norm Liebmann and Ed Haas.
A horror comedy about a family of monsters living in a spooky house in an American suburb called Mockingbird Lane. The main stars of the show include Grandpa, Herman, Lily, Eddy and Marilyn. Grandpa is the count vampire from Transylvania who makes a lot of experiments in the dungeon lab and he's played by Al Lewis. Herman Munster is the huge dad, a Frankenstein's monster, who works every day at a funeral parlour, and he's played by Fred Gwynne. Lily Munster is daughter of grandpa and wife of Herman, played by Yvonne De Carlo, is a vampire and mother. Her son is Eddie, a werewolf boy, played y Butch Patrick. Marilyn is the niece of Lily, and a teenage girl that looks stunning and normal in appearance to her monster family but is rather gothic. She was played by Pat Priest and then Beverley Owen.
The Munster family have pets too! A bat named Igor, a cuckoo clock raven called Charlie, then a black cat named Kitty that roars, and a fire-breathing dragon named Spot that lives under the house. Other monsters in the family include Charlie Munster, Herman's twin brother, then Victor Frankenstein, Cousin Wolverine, Cousin Gilbert (an amphibian), Frank Munster, Lester Dracula, Medusa and plenty others that show in the series and later spin offs.
The series itself is very atmospheric for those who like horror, and is extremely funny yet creepy. The sitcom of this loveable monster family has two season with about 70 episodes. There was a film made and later more films and a TV comeback series. A new prequel film made in 2022 about when Herman and Lily first met, simply called "The Munsters" was directed by Rob Zombie. I rate this childhood favourite a 9/10.
Blood Strawberry
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