This is a science fiction fantasy film by The Asylum, directed by Mark Atkins. The stars include Eric Roberts, Adrian Bouchet and Toshi Toda.
A deep sea exploring team of scientists discover that there's a giant starfish creature that destroyed a submarine. It's enormous size prevents them from escaping it, and they become stranded on one of the tentacles of the massive flower-shaped monster. It soon became known that its a Tengu, a creature once thought to be from myth and legends. The special effects are amazing, and there are more monsters to come.
I was hooked and enjoyed every moment of this fantastic adventure. The characters call the first sea beast a "Kaiju" which is Japanese for "strange beast". Others monsters that appear later in the film just make the Tengu pale in comparison! It must be mentioned that Tengu is a a type of yokai (spirit) from Japanese folklore. Watching this film makes you feel how vulnerable humanity is!
I rate this a monstrous 9/10
Blood Strawberry
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