This original science fiction/horror "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" from 1956 is in black and white. Directed by Don Siegel, and stars Kevin McCarthy, Dana Wynter and Larry Gates. It was based on a novel called The Body Snatchers by Jack Finney.
A young doctor returns home from a medical conference, to find out some people are behaving strangely and thinking their relatives are someone else. When he's called to a friend's house to discover a body that is the exact likeness of someone he knows, things get weirder. Weird trucks carrying large green pods are being delivered and people are becoming emotionless.
This is a truly scary film, about paranoia and being alone in a world with aliens. The actors experienced a horrific process of being made to sit inside liquid with only breathing straws in their mouths. The main character played by Kevin McCarthy lacked sleep during filming and had to do so much running that the crew were on standby in case he passed out from exhaustion. Later he would appear as another character in the 1979 remake. The tunnel where the doctor and his girlfriend hide from the crowds of alien people is the famous Bat Cave in Griffith Park.
A spectacular film with my rating 10/10.
Blood Strawberry
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