The film "Jabberwock" is a 2011 fantasy made for television. Directed by Steven R. Monroe and stars Tahmoh Penikett, Hugh Ross and Raffaello Degruttola.
A young squire discovers a strange egg and a dragon appears. He stumbles upon a village and is not believed. However, a warrior has returned home just before then and decides to help kill the dragon. The monster shows itself and causes a lot of damage, then kidnaps a young woman. Meanwhile, a blacksmith has been working on a very tough suit of armour and needs to finish it before the dragon destroys everyone.
The film is set in Medieval times although the term "Jabberwock," which is the name for the dragon in this film, was created in the 19th century by author Lewis Carroll. Some of the tools used by the blacksmith wasn't invented until the 18th century, such as the galvanised wrought iron. Also a character used the word "sadistic" but this word was invented hundreds of years later by author Marquis de Sade.
I give this fun film a chance of 6/10.
Blood Strawberry
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