This is a 1982 Italian fantasy flick directed by Joe D'Amato and the stars include Miles O' Keefe, Sabrina Siani and Dakar.
A boy named Ator has been born with the mark of a hero that has been a prophesy to end the rule of a tyrant. He's taken far away to a village and fostered there until he grows to adulthood. The evil spider overlord demands that anyone of the line of Torren should be killed, and sends out his army to destroy the village of Ator. His foster parents are murdered and his beloved Sunya is kidnapped. Ator needs to rescue his bride and then destroy the spider king once and for all.
There are many interesting characters that give sparkle to the film including the warrior woman Roon, the cavern witch and most of all the cute baby bear. The scenery is beautiful and the costumes and sets are pretty, but it has some gross elements. There are also some cuddly tarantulas too! It has a sequel named "Ator the Invincible" made in the same year. It's considered to be a bad film, and was part of a "SchleFaz" ("worst films ever") series of films aired on German TV. However despite the scoffing and fun poking, this is quite a nice entertaining family fantasy film. Disney should be jealous!
I give this a whopping 6/10.
Blood Strawberry
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