Mandrake is a 2010 horror film made for television. Directed by Trip Reed and the cast includes Max Martini, Betsy Russell and Benito Martinez.
Archaeologists search for a dagger in the middle of a jungle, but it's full of man-eating plants. The dagger itself is a legendary relic that is much needed by a wealthy businessman called Harry Vargas who believes that it belonged to one of his ancestors, a Spanish conquistador. However, stuff gets really problematic for a group of scientists when they fall into the deadly roots inside the jungle. People go missing and a lot more horrors going on.
The name of this film is Mandrake but that particular species of plant is only native to Eurasia although this film is set in a South American jungle. It was the conquistadors that introduced this plant to the Americas. There are some other factual errors found in this film including the dressing of a wound being wrong, as pointed out by a viewer on Internet Movie Database. I rate this a green 3/10.
Blood Strawberry
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