This is a 2014 thriller directed by Mikael Salomon and stars Maria Bello, Ann Dowd, Will Harris and Joan Jett.
A famous author is led to a secluded derelict petrol station in the middle of nowhere, and her car tyres are punctured by nails on broken boards. Everyone that passes ignores her except a dangerous man who attacks her. He dumps her in a tunnel filled with dead bodies of women, who were his former victims. She struggles to escape and is covered in blood. When she reaches a shop to make a phone call, her nightmare has already begun to change into a need for revenge.
There are plenty of supernatural elements to this strange thriller which is quite gothic and almost horror. The film is based on a story by Stephen King. Some have considered this a TV movie because it was aired on Lifetime. This is a bloodthirsty film that touches on psychosis by main character who hears voices and sees her own book characters. Parts of the film is dark and has violent scenes.
It gets chopped to 5/5.
Blood Strawberry
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