"Mausoleum" is a 1983 horror film directed by Michael Dugan. The stars include Bobby Brasee, Marjoe Gotner and Norman Burton.
Susan is a young girl grieving the death of her mother. During the funeral she enters a mausoleum with a strange tomb inside. Many years later, she's grown up and married, but has always been troubled. It seems that she inherited a curse that runs in the family. There's a lot of spooky stuff going on, gruesome deaths and demonic possession. Her husband contacts the psychiatrist to find out what's going on.
This is a low budget horror film with much criticism but it won a prize at the Paris Film Festival of Sci-Fi and Horror. It was regarded as a "video nasty" in the UK during the 80's even though it's not considered obscene. There is some graphic horror and gore, but it's more make-up and with a silly looking demon. The actress playing the adult character of Susan is older than the actress playing her aunt! There is a car in the film that is an electric model.
I rate this a wicked 7/10.
Blood Strawberry
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