"Blood Sabbath" is a 1972 horror, directed by Brianne Murphy. The stars include Anthony Geary, Steve Gravers, Sam Gilman and Dyanne Thorne.
A young man named David wanders alone through a forest after having come back from fighting in the Vietnam War. He encounters a bunch of aggressive women, falls into a lake and brought to the surface and healed by a mysterious nymph called Yyala. He falls into a coma and is helped by a local hermit with some interesting news. All David wants is Yyala but a nearby coven of witches cause trouble.
The witches coven is led by their queen, played by Dyanne Thorne who also played the character Ilsa in "She Wolf of the SS" series of sexploitation films. "Blood Sabbath" is a strange film with a lot of nudity, some gore and many unanswered questions. Parts of the film had silly dialogue but David's character doesn't always make a lot of sense!
I rate thus bloody film a 3/10.
Wolf Girl Night
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