This is a 1972 horror film directed by Bob (Benjimin) Clark. The stars include Alan and Anya Ormsby, Jeff Gillen and Jane Daly.
A bunch of people take a trip to an isolated graveyard on a small island during the night. Their idea of fun was to play a magical Satanic game, using a corpse they dug from the ground. While some of the members of the group were busy digging more graves, the others really managed to raise the dead.
A film with lots of darkness, which is not easy to see anything. Like many other horror films, this one also seemed cursed. The director Bob Clark was killed before doing a remake of the film in 2007. The graves were all props, made of blue board foam. The spell book was supposed to have been written by druids although this is historically inaccurate. The zombies are extremely vile looking.
I rate this grim zombie film a 6/10.
Blood Strawberry
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