This is a horror anthology TV series from the 1970's, originally named "Ghost Story" and later it changed the title to "Circle of Fear". Each episode has a different tale of the spooky kind, and sometimes nightmarish. It was hosted by a fictional gentleman character named Winston Essex, owner of a haunted hotel, who introduced the stories. The next episode is "Cry of the Cat", directed by Arnold Laven and stars Sabastian Cabot, Doug McClure and Lauri Peters.
A rodeo named Dan is married to a beautiful and mysterious woman named Maria that makes some people uneasy. Brushing it off as jealousy, Dan ignores anyone who try to offend Maria. Then animals are killed by a cougar, but things don't add up. The cougar responsible for the attacks before died long ago and there shouldn't be anymore in the area. It seems Maria is hiding something.
A pleasant shapeshifting story of a woman that transforms into a cat. Both Doug McClure and Sabastian Cabot appeared in "Checkmate" from 1960. The director of this episode had also worked in "Planet of the Apes" and "The A-Team." The script writer Richard Matheson also did work for the fantasy film "The Valley of Gwangi."
A good horror/western story that I shall rate with a dry desert yellow strawberry.
Blood Strawberry.
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