This is a horror anthology TV series from the 1970's, originally named "Ghost Story" and later it changed the title to "Circle of Fear". Each episode has a different tale of the spooky kind, and sometimes nightmarish. It was hosted by a fictional gentleman character named Winston Essex, owner of a haunted hotel, who introduced the stories. The next episode is "House of Evil", directed by Daryl Duke and stars Sabastian Cabot, Melvyn Douglas and Jodie Foster.
An old man named Grandpa visits the home of his deaf mute granddaughter, Judy, who is living with her father, stepmother and stepbrother. Things seem okay until Grandpa gives Judy a dolls house, which is the exact replica of the house Judy and her family already live in. The house keeper has known Grandpa before and doesn't like him. Grandpa and Judy have telepathy and it's this that makes things strange.
The house was used in TV series "Bewitched" in case it looks familiar to anyone watching it. Jodie Foster plays the girl Judy and Brad Savage, who played Kevin her stepbrother, work together again later on in "Echoes of Summer". The dolls in this episode are made of currant buns! Magic is centred within the dolls house.
I rate this a cookie strawberry for being rather nice with crumbs.
Blood Strawberry
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