

Friday, 16 June 2023

Nothing But the Night

 This 1973 film is thriller, mystery and horror. Directed by Peter Sasdy and the stars include, Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing and Diana Dors. 

A very secluded boarding school has been the centre of police investigation when several adults have been killed there. 50's blonde bombshell (Diana Dors) sports red hair in this and plays the angry mother of one of the kids from that same school. Meanwhile doctors and a journalist are curious about the whole thing. A girl has been seeing strange visions, and something points to a conspiracy. 

The film is eerie and weird. Based on the novel of the same name by John Blackburn, who disagreed with the casting of Diana Dors playing the mother. However she pulled it off very well and came across as a villain, at most stage. The props used when examining human remains were actually dead octopus! This was made by Charlemagne Films, which was created by both Christopher Lee and Anthony Nelson Keys. The planned sequel for the film based on another book by John Blackburn was considered but never came about. 

I give this film a dark bruised strawberry, which is mostly good but also a bit grubby.

Blood Strawberry 

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