Isle of the Snake People is a Mexican 1968 horror film directed by Juan Ibanez and Jack Hill. The stars includes Boris Karloff, Julissa and Carlos East.
A strange island full of magic and zombies is being controlled by a sinister magician leader, while a police captain arrives who wants to put an end to it. There is a creepy number of characters using snakes in their rituals. A young woman from the mainland wants to visit her wealthy uncle who lives on the island, and she's unaware of the creepy goings on.
This was made in 1968 but released in theatres in 1971, two year after Boris Karloff died. "Isle of the Snake People" is one of four B horrors with Boris Karloff and producer Luis Enrique Vergara, in a contract. The other three films in the pack are "Fear Chamber," "The Incredible Invasion" and "House of Evil."
A strange spooky film with tension. I rate this 8/10.
Blood Strawberry
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