This is a 1982 slasher horror directed by Howard Avedis and the stars includes Mary Beth McDonough, Bill Paxton and David Wysocki/Wallace.
After a girl named Christie witnesses her father's death, she's convinced that he was murdered by the same cloaked killer that is stalking her at home. Her boyfriend Greg accidentally finds a strange cult going on inside a mortuary that involves Christie's mother. People have gone missing and something doesn't add up.
A weird sleuthing couple digging for clues although there are distractions. Contains nudity and gore. Two actors in the film were married in real life, Christopher George and Lynda Day George. A body double of Christie was used for the nude scenes. A typical 80's film showing a roller disco and silly young characters that modern teenagers would find cringe.
I rate this an embalmed 4/10.
Blood Strawberry
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