This is a supernatural horror thriller made in 1988, directed by Frank LaLoggia, starring Lukas Haas, Len Cariou and Alex Rocco.
A man is remembering a strange event that happened in his childhood during the 1960's. As he begins to describe things, we're shown the scene of him as a boy at school preparing for Halloween with his classmates. Things turn bad for him after being tricked by other boys so he's locked inside the school closet. When night comes, he's able to see a ghost of a young girl. Things become darker and terrifying, so that mystery grows and he discovers something far more sinister.
A chilling story with some quite funny characters (the school teacher and grandfather are portrayed as silly but for comic relief). Not really a family film as it's too scary in places. No gruesome or sex scenes although some shocking violence. The story is loosely based on an urban legend about the "white lady" of Rochester in New York, said to be about a ghost of a woman searching for her baby. I last watched this when I was 18 years old. It's a fun fantasy horror thriller that is both beautifully made with lots of Autumn atmosphere for a good wholesome family horror. (Spoiler below if you want to see it).
I rate this little gem 8/10
Blood Strawberry
Spoiler - There are three ladies in white.
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