This is an Amicus anthology British horror film made in 1972, directed by Freddie Francis. The stars includes Peter Cushing, Joan Collins and Ralph Richardson.
In an underground crypt is a tour but five tourists wander off and find themselves locked in a tomb. They meet a strange crypt keeper who knows everything about them individually. The tourists are strangers to each other but everyone of them is there for a purpose, and it's very unpleasant. The film takes us on a journey of the five trapped tourists and explores their evil.
While this is a chilling and brutal film, it's got an even sadder meaning. Peter Cushing plays a widower who uses a Ouija Board to contact the spirit of his dead wife Helen. In real life, Peter Cushing lost his wife Helen. The character he played was a reflection of his own grief.
The film was remade in 1982 by Stephen King but called "Creepshow". There is a TV series "Tales from the Crypt" (1989) produced by Robert Zemeckis who really loved the 1972 film, but based the series on comics of the same title. Those "Tales from the Crypt" comics too two stories from the 1972 film. Director Freddie Francis of the 1972 film helped with the TV series "Tales from the Crypt."
Very enigmatic and scary worth 9/10.
Blood Strawberry
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